Do you have a budget of $ 15,000 to hire me to write your copy, build your website and do all the work for you OR would you like to learn how I do what I do?

When I came online 14 years ago I never had any idea the vast knowledge I'd eventually be able to share with people. Beyond just knowledge of the good, the bad and the ugly of what it's really like to build a business online- I also possess results.

I've seen huge businesses grow fast and businesses that could have grown…can also sink quickly. I've seen it all, experienced it all and have personally made millions for myself and my clients online. 

Through the years I've taught how to write better copy, how to do PPC ads that don't cost you an arm and a leg, how to install a great website without breaking your bank and more.  

People have also paid me to manage their PPC accounts, write their copy, do their ads, be their PR person, handle all media contacts and nearly every single aspect you could ever think of in running an online business!  

I've balanced books, cut budgets, tripled profits and have even told a few clients when to either change their niche or hang it up!

I've been the VP of Marketing at three companies in the last 2 years, have been the President of Sales and Advertising at another and was even paid a fat 6-figure contract to be the Head of Internet Operations for a newly formed business owner.

But then I get bored. I got frustrated at the LACK of good training on the internet for the small business owner. For the person just starting out! So… 

Last year I did something I've never done before

….and I began to teach others to do what I did. It started with my class on making more money in the month of December. We saw huge results.  Then it grew to my first class on installing WordPress. Every single person who attended that first class is making money in some form online today!

What if you could have  "Keys To The Online 'Vault' Of Success Like Never Before!"

My heart and passion to teach, equip and empower others to build an income for themselves grew even more. I began to teach Web copywriting techniques for the beginner, how to do some PPC, how to do an effective keyword research plan, how to name your domain, how to write a business plan and more!

To say it was shocking to me the results people got is an understatement!

"Sandi's Web Copywriting Coaching made me 10,000 in orders in one weekend with brand new customers!!! She has also helped several of my consultants to make an income quickly with our products!  " Gina Alexander of 

We grew even more , opened more classes and created the "Inner Circle" where I made myself available to a select group of business professionals twice per week for one hour.  That was outstanding and continues to grow!

Here's a story from Caroline- 

"Sandi- I would like to say a quick Thank You for your inner circle call on Friday. Not only did I receive great wisdom in regards to my own business…Using the information I learned on Friday, I was able to teach and train up my children (11 and 12 years old) in the business they have just started a few weeks ago on ebay. We spent all day on Saturday at an conference specific to there "niche". Using what Sandi taught me, we were able to research and network and ask the right question to help teach my boys how to grow their business and attract the right people. Thanks Sandi for not only impacting me, but for helping to impact the generations to come."  Caroline Blader


Now hear me when I say I could continue to just do ALL the work myself, continue to work for Fortune 500 companies and company owners and create a nice $ 10 million dollar income for myself.

But serving YOU has always been my goal.

I want to see YOUR family financially independent. I want to see YOU pay off all your debt.

I dream of seeing some of you quit your job and come home to work and raise your kids. I pray for you to capture a vision for your future so that YOU can live the life of your dreams just as I have had the chance to do.

So ….. being the one who writes all the copy, does all the work and not helping anyone else isn't in alignment with my biggest heart passions, which are helping you. 

Things are growing once again because of THAT passion.

As we go into May we're expanding some more.  

We're opening our doors wider and I'm sharing more of my exclusive strategies that have made my clients millions of dollars in their own companies.


"Sandi this is excellent! We'll be using this for our seminar promotion right away!" Kind regards Mark Garbelotto, Brian Tracy International, AU

"Wow Sandi! You are FAR more than just a copywriter but a Marketer, Go To Person and everything in between!" Nina Hershberger, MegaBucksMarketing, Featured by Bill Glazer

"This press release is perfect! Thanks Sandi! It's great to have you as a part of OUR team!" 

Mary Ellen Tribby


So… let me ask you this question. Do you have a budget of $ 15,000 to hire me to write your copy, build your website and do all the work for you OR would you like to learn how I do what I do?

Do YOU want access to my secrets, my training and my time in a private environment that not only shares my screen but also gives me access to speak by audio and by live conferencing so YOU can become the owner of your own successful online business?

Do YOU want a recorded version of each class, audio and video for your own personal business training library? 

Let me just warn you– these classes typically FILL UP FAST and some have sold OUT before they even started. 

Are you ready?  Or did you want to just write ME a big fat check to do the work for you? 

Don't DELAY!! Register today for a class for your business NOW!!   

Please join me. YOUR story could be the next one to be featured on my website!