Why Most JV "Joint Venture" Marketing Is Like Prostitution & How To Build A Big Business With Loyal Clients

By: Sandi Krakowski
One of the greatest things Steve Jobs did so well was create loyal followers. As a devoted Apple fan myself I always chuckle when I run to get the latest product launch, knowing full well that I will be a beta- tester because all of their products get tested by customers and not geeks locked up in a test room. It doesn't bother me that there will be an update released and I'll need to install it and back up my machine to do so. Apple has won my loyalty.

They've never done me wrong.

Interestingly enough I've never been pitched by a competing vendor or business partner through Apple's email system or mailings. They don't steer me to one direction and then the next with the latest from this company and that. If they did I doubt I'd be as loyal as I am to their product line.

Can you imagine? You get an email from Apple.com telling you that Joe Smiths's software is the best in the world….and then Mark Whoever is their favored choice the following week. Imagine if Apple sent you an email saying that they believed in equal opportunity so they wanted to share with you how a Droid might be a good choice.


It won't happen. You know that and so do I. Sounds pretty goofy doesn't it? But it happens every day in the realm of Internet marketing.

" No one else does it like so and so."

"Even though I just sold you on a $5900 product last week I think you should get this $ 4500 one this week."

Have you ever asked any of these marketers if they even use the resources they have posted on their website?? I have. They rarely write me back.

When we built our loyal client base I was constantly advised to, "JV here and go JV there and contact so and so and see if they will share their list with you." After just a few exposures to this way of doing business (and less than 2% of results from such connections) I decided to do what I have been doing for a long time online..

Build it honesty ….and serve people well.
Recently as some very big direct response marketing companies have sold out to investors, I've seen a big increase in emails like this-

"Hey Sandi, I've seen you around and it looks like you're really good at what you do. I think my product ABC would be a great fit for you and we're even offering a $1000 commission on it to affiliates! Get back to me and I'll get you a link to send it to your list."


They don't take the time to get to know me, take a sincere interest in what I do in the marketplace, let alone who my clients are. They just assume that because 'I look like I'm good at what I do' we should join together and share our biggest assets, our lists!

I've had people write me and tell me that we should partner together and they want to promote my products. My first question is always, "What did you think of that product? What were your results?" The next email shocks me! They haven't even taken the course but they want to represent me, my message and my products in the marketplace. Ugh.

Please don't send me your negative emails or call me names…

I live near a lot of Amish and have seen good old customer service make millions! And while I'm an Internet geek and have owned companies online for the last 15 years, I can tell you that solid advertising along with taking the time it takes to build a business well has always served me and my clients long term.

So you might be wondering… "Do we even do JV marketing at all?"  Yes we do, with a strict standard of qualifications.

We currently do 2-3 JV promotions or endorsements per year. To earn that coveted spot with my clients you must have several things already in place. If you don't? Well…..it's simple…..I've had to do this before….I won't mention you ever again.  

Simple Strategies For Good JV Partnerships

1. You must have a sincere interest in serving my customers.

You must be honorable and filled with integrity. We must have a history of working together where you haven't treated me, my family or my customers poorly. Most fit this category. When they don't or for some reason turn out to be something less than trustworthy? I won't mention them ever again. You can depend on that.

2. If I'm going to recommend you it is important to me that you are not marketing a flavor of the week every single week.

I've written for some large direct response marketing companies and some I stopped writing for. Biggest reason? They started acting like the rest of the Internet marketing pimps out there. I want my clients focused, prospering and growing in their business….if we recommend someone and they start flaking and causing people confusion? I won't mention them again.

3. If you represent me and my message it's important to me that you keep it pure and exactly as I built it.

None of this promising millions of dollars in just six months nonsense! Yes, I've made millions in six months before but I also have been doing this for 15 years! To tell a beginner they can do that is unfair and untrue.

Joint Venturing with someone requires a relationship.

Marketing at it's core is a relationship with the reader, is it not? And it's my intention to have not only good fortune but also goodwill….. Sleeping good at night is worth a lot! 

Don't hype up your message and don't give into flattery, my friends. Take your time and be willing to do the work to get to where you want to be.

Serve first.

Love your customers and treat others the way you want to be treated.

This is why we don't make false claims about what it takes to succeed.

I won't sell you something for $27 that cost me $10,000 to learn. I want to be God's Ambassador for wealth in business and that means, in many cases, while I might not be the most popular marketer online…..BUT this one thing I do know… my customers will be loyal.
We'll serve with all of our heart and just like Apple has mastered, we'll create a culture together that impacts the world!

I believe in you,