Over and over again I hear that my clients are encountering a probem with their Webmaster or their Web designer when it comes to wanting to make a switch over to WordPress.

Some of the comments and emails included:

"My web person told me that going into WordPress would limit what I would be able to do with my blog."

"My webmaster told me that if I built my site in WordPress they would refuse to manage it and I could find someone else. "

"My designer told me that to get my website into WordPress it would take 90 days and it would cost about $12,000. We're starting an entirely new site, how is this possible?"

If you have encountered some of these 'excuses' that your web master might have come up with for why you can't have your website in WordPress I am here to dispel that concern once and for all.

Years ago there were only a few options when it came to create a professional website. This was the day of custom websites, graphics that were not duplicated, coding that was proprietary to your specific need and ultra exclusive web creations that made people drool. While I'm not saying that the websites that are created today don't make people drool I am saying that there is no need to suffer with Webmaster slavery any longer!

You can be 'set free' and running your own website through WordPress very easily.

WordPress was designed by Matt Mullenweg. Matt is one of PC World's Top 50 People on the Web, Inc.com's 30 under 30, and Business Week's 25 Most Influential People on the Web. His really cool website is:  http://ma.tt/   To say that Matt put Web 2.0 on the map and made it easier for all of us to succeed is really an under statment. Ironically he's not even 30 yrs old! I can only imagine all that is inside of that amazing brain and what we'll be exposed to in upcoming years.

But Matt took a vision and made it a reality with WordPress. It didn't stop there. Every single day a new plug-in is created, a new feature discovered, something new is created to make WordPress not only easy to use, profitable for the average business owner but it has become the most univeral publishing platform on the internet today!

More than 8.5 % of all sites on the Intranet are now in WordPress Matt announced at a recent Word Camp.  It's no small wonder that the most influential and successful websites in the world use WordPress.

Did you know that eBay is built in WordPress?

The largest shopping cart system in the world . Makes me wonder why anyone who owns an ecommerce business would even consider operating it outside of WordPress. I built one of my ecommerce businesses to over $ 4.5 million in 3 years and let me just say this, if I had WordPress I would NOT have had a $ 28,000 per month overhead- no way! It would have been so much easier to run. AND cost effective!

WordPress allows you to edit your pages, create perfectly aligned tables, write copy that looks beautiful, layout your images and videos in just the right spot and you don't need to know one single line of coding or HTML. It's wonderful!

But here are the cold hard facts when it comes to most web designers and web masters– they don't know how to custom code WordPress, they can't make thousands of dollars doing so and they are really upset that the pay they have become accustomed to is changing!

My answer to this is 'get over it!'  This is called business… those who adapt survive.

So is this a bashing of all web people? NOT at all. Quite frankly it's a heads up.

As we've been doing regular classes in WordPress it has become very obvious to me that Web people who specialize in customization of WordPress themes, graphics inside of WordPress, flash videos that don't take up the entire site and custom work in general are very hard to find. VERY hard to find.

I've had some folks send me their resume and sadly I'm not that impressed. When I am impressed it comes with a list of unavailability- almost as if the people who I'd really love to work with are sipping Margaritas on the beach and have no intention of ever building a huge 7-figure business. That's fine but come on now, there has to be more web people who can customize WordPress!  Are you out there?

A custom WordPress site is really important for a corporate image in some cases. Nothing real special but the first static page needs some coding done that the average person can't do.

As I began to ponder the topic of today's newsletter I was driven to get this out there hoping that I might be able to find some Web people who know their stuff when it comes to WordPress.

If you've had a misinformed Web Designer tell you that WordPress isn't a good option for you- think again.

The only reason that any web person or graphics expert would say that is simple- they can't make as much money as they currently are with elaborate graphics and flash inside of WordPress.

Personally I'd love to train up an entire team of top notch 6 & 7 figure Graphics and Web people so that the best customization was available for my clients. Imagine what kind of income someone could 'walk into' if they could become a WordPress customization expert.

If you love WordPress and see the 7-figure potential that exists in this amazing publishing platform please email me through the link that is at the bottom of this newsletter. I'd be very happy to meet you and review your work.


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Sandi Krakowski has been working online successfully for the last 14 years with a track record of of building 11 businesses, all with 6 & 7 figures in profits. She's personally made more than $ 28 million in profits for her clients in the last 5 years through copywriting and marketing.

She teaches with a style that is passionate, intense and fun! Her students say that they get more value from Sandi in one hour than they've paid months for from other online 'experts' who can craft great headlines but don't deliver results.

Sandi has a free report entitled, “The Biggest Mistake People Make With A WordPress Site” 95% of people make a single mistake with WordPress that costs them huge losses in their business!

Don't let this be YOU! Grab this report now!