WordPress For The Business Owner 


wordpress Themes, Themes, Themes! Which One Is Best For Your Business?

When you bring your business online the first thing you'll need is a website. The top choice of over 10,000 sites on the Intra-net is WordPress. The most influential people and companies in the world are using WordPress. No small wonder it's the most universal online publishing platform in the world. 

Maybe you didn't realize that eBay, Oprah and even the Whitehouse uses WordPress for their website. Just take one look at the thousands of companies listed at http://www.wordpress.org and you'll see that if you aren't built in WordPress- you'll want to switch fast!

I've had clients tell me that some web designers and graphic designers advised them against WordPress. The only reason this would occur is if a person didn't know how to edit and refine WordPress. Years ago the best websites made were rich in graphics, filled with flash movies, bells and whistles! Now you run a great risk with a site like this because Google doesn't like you when it spiders for organic traffic. Flash is NOT recognizable by Google's robots and graphics that are more than 1/3 of the entire site are not crawled for higher organic listings and search engine optimization. Most of the time they are demoted and even ignored.

But once you get past the overly technical website jargon and the threats from graphics designers that you'll lose a ton of money I'll tell you this- if you don't get into WordPress you will KICK yourself in less than a years time. Mark my words. Just remember this- do NOT use the free websites found at http://www.wordpress.com for your company or you'll be legislated by WordPress and that's not a good thing. Instead, have WordPress installed to your own domain so you are a privately owned website that can sell what you want, say what you want and do what you want.

Now that you're ready to take the jump here are a few critical things to do immediately. Choosing a theme is the first thing you'll want to do once you decide to move to a WordPress site. After helping my clients’ port over to WordPress and teaching thousands of people how to use WordPress profitably I've found a few themes that out-rank them all.

You'll want a theme that can connect nicely to Social Media channels, allow you to show several archives on the first page, have options to edit the sidebars and page widths and to do a few custom edits.

Thesis is the top of the line when it comes to SEO rich websites. It’s a theme that is built to make money with. Organic traffic, social media connections, hidden private pages, memberships and more can exist beautifully in Thesis. Our entire site at: http://www.arealchange.com/blog is built in Thesis. 

But what if you want a colorful theme, one that matches your message and you don’t want to pay someone for that or attempt to figure it out yourself. That’s ok too! Here are some tips on what to look for in a good theme.

  • Look for a theme that enables customization of the header

  • Be sure that you can have hidden pages

  • You’ll want to be able to change sidebars and table widths on the page

  • Get a theme that is not showing up on 100+ other sites

  • Find something that represents YOU, not anything else

I hope these tips have been helpful!

The fun thing about themes is this- if you do choose something and want to change, you can. Just be sure to always back up your files before doing so. WordPress is so versatile that you are never stuck in the mud, waiting on a graphics designer or some other expert to pull you out. It’s the tool everyone can use!

Are YOU ready for Part TWO of WordPress? Here's a 50% coupon code to help you along with your next step!

wordpress1 WordPress II Class For The Business Owner


Learn first hand how to not only get onto the first page of Google and every major search engine quickly, but learn how to create a brand for yourself, inside of WordPress that is uniquely yours.

We are going to discuss topics such as:

  • List Building -Creating a big house list of hungry customers you can market to over and over again. The big strength of those who succeed online is in building their list.
  • Tracking– What tools to use so that you are able to track every ad, every post, every campaign. Reading this data will tell you how you're doing, what to repeat and what to avoid. Building your business online or offline has never been so easy!
  • PPC – Facebook ads, Google ads or any online Pay Per Click advertising made simple. Discover secrets of how to spy on competitors, find their ads and use the best keywords to compete at 1/2 the price.
  • Web Copy – Learn simple strategies for creating better headlines, leading your customers through a funnel and closing the sale through your webpage, blog post, sales letter and more. Internet Copywriting is a required skill if you are going to succeed online. I'll show you secrets I learned studying with the best in the world and make it easy for you!

logoblue stacked bg WordPress I Class For The Business Owner


 Course Includes but is not limited to-

-Advanced SEO techniques & strategies 
-First page of Google tactics
-Social Media Secrets for WordPress
-Simple newsletter publishing
-Opt In offer conversions
-Squeeze pages 
-Lead Capture pages
-Massive Traffic secrets

and much more! Here's a 50% OFF coupon for you to save you money, through 11/15/2012.  Use code: WP50 

With love,
Sandi Krakowski