I'm online today working with 12 people in a WebEx environment. These are new business owners in the Direct Sales industry who are learning how to use WordPress, Web Copy & Blogging to build their business with the best the internet offers.

Not all websites are created equal

I've noticed in the last 14 years that working online has evolved to a place that most people never expected.  With some casual research however nothing has come 'down the pike' so to speak that hasn't already been announced. There is NO top-secret-society information!  This is all public knowledge!

For example, I'm seeing ALL OVER FACEBOOK this warning from some of my friends that you have to remove the connection between sites that Facebook is doing.  This might be true if you hang out on Facebook to gossip about your Mother in Law and speak to your friends in Timbucktoo. But if you are building a business….

DO NOT disconnect this information!

DO NOT set your profile to private!

DO NOT remove the connections between….

Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Your blog, Your company website and so forth.

This was designed on purpose for better Organic Traffic.

My clients pay me to teach them how to have optimized pages, proper connection between their websites, higher organic rankings and the best SEO methods possible.

SEO means- Search Engine Optimized. My question is WHY would you put ANYTHING into WordPress or your business blog that ISN'T SEO'd…. our purpose is what?

Targeted traffic

Qualified prospects

Marketing for our services or products

So you can see that having all of your connections linked together… YOUR company information connected together is advantageous.

THINK:  Google wave…. Google Compliant….. Web 2.0….. Web 3.0

Don't want any personal information given? Then don't put it on  your website period. No private personal email addresses- just company addresses. No private cell phones, just company phone. ( unless you're just starting out and the two are the same)

This concludes the lesson on how to write a good post!