I don’t know what you’re facing today but this one thing I do know: God hasn’t changed.

He still shuts the lion’s mouth. He still parts seas. The problem with this generation is that often we’re so complacent and comfortable that we believe a miracle is when God prevents bad things from happening and makes our lives easy!

And when we don’t get the big, flashy miracles, we think God has abandoned us. We have this tendency to think the glory of a loving, powerful God is best demonstrated when we walk right into a fire and He extinguishes the flames. But the truth is, He is greater when the fire surrounds us and He prevents us from being consumed! 

Easy isn’t always better.

Just as fire purifies and refines metal, when we go through trials, we are being made stronger and more fit for our purpose. It is okay to take a risk and believe Him for something so big that you’ll look like an idiot if He doesn’t show up!

God is a strategist and He knows how to deliver us. He still opens deaf ears. He is still in the business of resurrecting dead things. He can still call to the four winds and blow fresh air onto your impossible situations!

I still believe that He is sufficient and that there is nothing you will ever face that He cannot help you press through. Stir up the gift that is in you! Lift the hands that are weary!

I remember when all three of my boys were sick with the flu and I stayed up all night with them. I was exhausted and wondered if I would ever make it through. As I lay with Justin in my lap, Bobby on the couch next to me, and Jeremy in the other room, I began to pray. God assured me that I would survive this, reminding me that I could sleep that night because He never does. He is constantly watching over us and seeing to our needs. He reminded me that I can always trust Him, no matter the trial.

When the storms of life come, rest upon the rock who knows your name. Take comfort in knowing He has your back. He will not let you fall because He created you to BE MORE.

Believe in the little things. Stop waiting for someone to walk on water to ignite your faith.  #BEMORE

With love,

Sandi Krakowski