Do You Suffer From Business Brain Blockage?

Business owners are an interesting breed. They notice things others don't even see let alone notice, they think about 3-5 things at one time and do it coherently. Their view on stress is that there is a destructive stress and there's a productive stress- knowing the difference however at times can be a challenge.

Business owners typically don't make very good employees. They also give their opinion, won't chit chat about things that don't make money, get frustrated when tasks take too long and think drama is something that should stay on the television and the hell out of the office.

But business brain blockage is becoming an epidemic!

Have you ever had a throbbing nasty sinus headache? You know the kind that starts at the top of you head, wraps it's ugly way around your eyes, around the ears till those are clogged and then just tucks itself into your head for a nice long stay? Ugh. I can feel the pressure right now just reading this. How about you?

Some of you are operating with this same kind of pressure in your business. You start with a frustration of not being able to figure something out that you're trying to do. But rather than getting some help or outsourcing someone who could easily do it in minutes, you just keep pusssshhhhiiiinnnng forward!  Push is a middle name of most of you.

Before long your vision is complete infected with this task and you have forgotten about the things on your Franklin Planner list of A1's let alone what you should be doing at noon today, with your spouse, over lunch!

Far too often your ears are clogged like the negativity of every employee at the local store and you are acting rather unseemly in your approach to people.

It's really bad when you haven't even noticed one bit when this thing becomes your normal M.O. Mode of operation. You go to bed with it, wake with it, show up at meetings late and are distracted by it! 

Take a business decongestant, will ya! Sheesh!

It's very important to guard what goes in and what comes out of your head and your thought life. Because your beliefs and the way you think is what sets you apart from every one else who is like… everyone else. 

Watch how much time you listen to whining clients, you get caught up in that talk show again on the radio and be very careful when you find yourself doing something for more than an hour that you could have EASILY outsourced. Who the heck cares how much it costs- you as the business owner should only be doing the 6 & 7 figure activities. That is… if you are serious about building a 6 & 7 figure type business?

Be careful little eyes what you see. Your company won't grow one bit by you reading and re-reading the local news clips. Unless you're a journalist you won't benefit from reading all those RSS feeds every single day.

Be careful what you let your eyes see and where you put your focus. Whatever you look at long enough you'll get really good at becoming!

Sometimes you just need to wear earplugs!

Ear plugs can equalize the pressure in your head ( and your business) and prevent undue moisture from getting in and rotting things out! Do you get my drift? If you don't guard your thoughts, be careful with your eyes and be the one filtering what goes into your ears you could end up with permanent hearing loss or worse yet, fungus. In your ears. Yup. Disgusting. So is a business owner who can't even hear good advise, doesn't listen to their mentor or worse yet, believes they don't need one!

And for crying out loud get rid of this condition fast because sleeping with it, waking with it and taking it with you everywhere is not what was on your dream board several years ago. Your family needs you, you need you to learn to chill a bit. It might be urgent that you schedule in a hot bath and a glass of wine into your schedule! Maybe you need to go play a game of golf and take a day off. Do you remember what that was like?

Business brain blockage can destroy your business faster than the FTC, the FCC and the regulations dept of the Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Discover merchant account headquarters!

You, my friend, must stay fit. If you don't… guess what you'll be. You got it, I'm about to say it. The "E" word.

An employee of your own company.

So rise up…. get it done and get rid of this thing. 

I believe in you!